Mobile App

Stay on top of your business

Choose your level of connectivity to your business activities. Get access to your online dashboard, and monitor transactions on your account, on-the-go through your mobile device.

Welcome Back Create New Account Fast Experience John Doe 300 Typewriter & Stationery Kit REJECT NEUTRAL POSITIVE NEGATIVE 79 120 1800 1 2000 Online Store REJECT NEUTRAL POSITIVE NEGATIVE 10 40 250 0 25 Jan 2020

Why sign up on the Mobile App?


Monitor transactions

24/7 Connectivity

Monitor Transactions

Receive Alerts

Access Simple Dashboard

Take Faster Action

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Access Simple

Take faster action

How-To Videos

Our mobile app was built to work around your busy schedule. Watch the how-to-video to get the most out of this service, and gain access to your account activity, on-the-go!

Video Video

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